1 year olds
Toddlers Learning Together (TLT) is a parent observation class for children from twelve months to two years alongside their parents or primary caregivers. Toddlers Learning Together maintains a small class size to allow for more interaction between the families and teacher. This class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00 PM.
During the first half of the class, children will explore a wide range of creative learning modalities including art, sensory materials, play dough, dramatic play, and building manipulatives. The second half of the program progresses to outdoor play on the playground where a play structure, sensory table and sandbox await. During this second part of the day, the caregivers are invited to participate in a class discussion while the children eat snack or play outside. The discussion segment of the class is a wonderful opportunity for caregivers to discuss relevant questions, and often proves to be a highlight of the program. Discussion topics are initially structured—covering practical subjects such as child development, positive discipline, healthy foods, and speech and language development—yet open to suggestions by group members. This portion of the class provides an opportunity for the children to work on exploring independently with their peers in a safe environment. Class ends with a circle time that includes music and a story.